Events Album
Featuring the Art of
Science, Biology, & Math
"Everything the power of the world does is done in a circle ... " - Black Elk
odyssey mandalas
moon caught in tree
emerging teachers
making tribes
Talking Circles explore what students/children know about science topics and particular scientists. Start with questions relating to your theme ... Follow the trail of questions and answers with your students.
Explore the origins and evolution of Scientific Language
Word of the moment ... Regenerate!
Dress Up and 'become' scientists/philosophers from the past and argue past theories with your students ...
Pythagoras debates the structure of the universe and women's rights. See Dramatis Personae in History, Culture, & Languages
Create mini volcanoes with clay or build a large volcano in the schoolyard and erupt it with baking soda and vinegar ... Explore rivers, deltas, erosion, as giants ...
Make a marsh or adopt a marsh and explore what excellent filters and sponges they are for the world.
Cook with the Students to experience chemical reactions.
Use Art Activities with cornstarch, salt, oil, and different types of paper. Explore porosity and reactions of pigment.
Paste paper making and
Use colour-resist methods with watercolours and oil pastels.
Acrylic pours for older students are fascinating and cosmic.
Wonderful words relating to Acrylic Pours
relationship, liminality, interface, abstract, binder, bleeding, cells, complementary, consistency, interference, opaque, resin, transparency ...
Watch for Signs of Climate Change ... record and mitigate.
Link with Scientists ... Fundraise for species ... Chart the rise and fall of eco-diversity in your backyard ... your region ... your province ... your country ... your world ...
The Power of TWO!
Student initiated Loonie-Toonie Train - Two students created interest in the plight of koalas during the rampant fires in Australia. They raised over $2000 in two weeks ... When laid end to end the 'train' stretched the length of the school.
Brainstorm humble and magnificent mitigation actions the children might choose to undertake.
Collect Skeletons ... sterilize and reassemble ... THEN ...
... Trace, Investigate and Create 'spirit art' to reenvision the interior of a wolf ...
Explore The Origins of materials. Make maps of origins and plot the journey of plastics, tin, aluminum etc. Use graphic stories, plays, timelines, etc. so older students can animate their findings for younger ones.
Repurpose Trash into insulated structures, Chihuly-inspired Chandelier, Tin Relief Sculptures ...
See the earth as a Grand Creatrix … Improvise!
Presentation integrating the Creation of the Universe Great Lesson with world mythologies by emerging Montessori guides.
Lessons of the Land
School Gardens, leaf collage with plant poetry, feasts, history of the plant from its origin – act it / draw it / water-colours of flowers using resist method, seed collages, murals, songs and poems acted and/or illustrated.
Flower Board - In Fall, students collected and pressed leaves and blossoms. We applied them to found boards with gesso, added nature poetry with gel pens and enhanced with chalk pastel.
School Garden - a whole school labour of love
A Plywood mural featuring Sustainable Technology reminds us of bicycles
Students created a school garden and sowed it with pollinator bulbs ... They responded with flower portraits
Fabulous Fish & Synesthesia
Our Fabulous Fish - inspired by Sandra Silberzweig - Construction paper, scissors, coloured glue, chalk pastel ... Investigate diversity ... Explore the characteristics of Salmon, Halibut, Trout ... an infinity of species -
Which one would you be?
Read an except from The Once in Future King in which Merlin transforms Arthur into a fish and he debates the nature power with the Great King Pike.
Investigate the plight of rivers, oceans, and their inhabitants / explore ways to help / engage and act
School trip to the Galapagos Islands
Cleaning the Mangroves "I wish we could spend our whole trip doing this." C.
Sea Turtle by Z.
(Pen and Watercolour - inspired by the trip)
Galapagos Tortoise
Roaming free
Lonesome George
Galapagos Tortoise from chicken wire and hatchlings from egg cartons and modelling clay
Mail Box for Galapagos trip - stuffed with letters and art from the younger children to the travellers
Reiterations on Arithmetic
Integrate music, nature and arithmetic
Measure everything ... Use numbers, ratios, fractions, equations to express relationships between as many things as are under the sun ...
Cooking uses math ...
Relate mathematics to your school garden project ... planting ... harvesting ... preparing ...
Annos Magic Seeds Read Aloud: Approaching Math Through Story
Use arithmetic in all aspects of culture: Making numbers into art / using colourful graphs to explore climate change / animal species reproduction / pollution / preservation / explore fractals, geometric pattern in turtle shells, Benoit Mandelbrot's notion of mathematics as a language to talk about clouds ... etc.
Child Explains Fractals
Is God a Mathematician?
Patterns, ratios, fractals inspired by nature
Enhance emotional challenges that come from calculations of eco-disasters with art and drama / letter-writing / positive action.
Children like to be actively involved in solutions - Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots program gives hope to people, animals, environment
Create a Council of All Beings - Potent
Join World Wildlife and adopt an animal as a class / Have bake sales and other fundraisers … Follow the child ... chart and graph successes and failures ...
Study art and drama as tools for change – simple to complex ...
Letters to our leaders encouraging ecological focus
Experience Zoology
Partner with a farm to establish a continuing relationship with the land.
Encourage the children to create animals and ecosystems with a variety of media. (Please never use handouts for them to colour – this tends to quash their creativity – their creations are far more dynamic and interesting than anything from a photocopier!)
Use drama to inhabit the bodies of different species / a drum will help to give shape to the children’s explorations. Drum – Freeze stops the movement and then you can engage one of the children or yourself to take ‘virtual’ photos. One, two, three or more children can create one animal.
Make motion-scapes or sound-scapes of different eco-systems.
Good quality puppets – make short write-ups of fascinating habits and survival lessons animals have taught us. Dramatize using one group for each animal. Introduce dramatic conventions such as:
Bodies as objects / rhythm / props / sound effects / scarves and costumes / slow motion / freeze frames / chant / artefact / etc. (each skill can be taught and experimented with separately.)
Make animals using natural materials – clay, copper, found articles etc.
Make puppets from a variety of materials. Knitting is a soothing activity.
Inter species communion
Time for Ritual
Journal of Birds
an egg